If you’re a site owner, a problem may always occur and it does not necessarily need to be associated with the web hosting service. For instance, something might go wrong when you bring a web app up to date or some crucial data may be modified or deleted by mistake. Irrespective of what the nature of the problem may be, you’ll need to get in touch with the technical support staff and request them to restore a backup or to assist you in dealing with the problem that you’re encountering. How fast they’ll do it will determine the period of time that your sites will be unavailable. For certain websites such as social networking websites or shopping portals, an oft-repeated outage often equals lost clients and cash. That is why, it’s quite important for you to use the services of a web hosting company that offers not only a good client support service, but also a fast one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our guaranteed max reply time for any ticket that you submit or any e-mail that you send is only 60 minutes, even if you contact us on weekends and national holidays. Whatever the nature of your enquiry or issue may be, we will lend you a hand right away and will give you the needed information to rectify any problem with your websites. The real response time usually doesn’t surpass 15-20 minutes, which implies that you can forget about waiting around for hours to get an issue sorted out or what’s even worse than that – waiting all day only to get an answer that more information is necessary while nothing is solved. We will offer you assistance in a jiffy as we realize precisely how valuable time can be in the dynamic digital sphere. The 60-minute response guarantee is valid for any billing or technical inquiry that you might have relating to our cloud hosting services.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Because of the fact that we know how crucial it is to get swift help, we guarantee that you’ll never need to wait around for more than 60 minutes to get a response to any trouble ticket that you send via your semi-dedicated server CP. In fact, you’ll rarely need to wait around for more than twenty-thirty minutes and this applies to any issue regardless of its nature – technical, billing or general. Besides, our client and tech support staff is working day and night, which suggests that even in case you post a ticket during legal holidays, you will invariably receive an immediate reply, which will include the answer to a question, the solution to a predicament or the info needed to resolve an issue yourself – in case there is something that you have to do on your end. With us, you’ll never have to waste a day awaiting an answer like you would with plenty of other providers.